Medical Imaging Books:

1.       The physics of Medical Imaging (Esp Ch12), Webb S

2.       Medical Imaging System, Macovski A

3.       Radiological Imaging; The Theory of Image formation, Harrison H Barrett, W Swindell

4.       The Physics of Radiology (Esp Ch16), Johns H E, Cunningham J R

5.       The Essential physics of Medical Imaging, Bush berg J.T. et al

6.       Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Ingram D & Bloch R F


fMRI Books:


1.       Functional MRI, An Introduction to Methods, (Oxford press) , Jezzard P, Matthews M, Smiith S M

2.       Statistical Paramtric Mapping: The Analysis of Functional Brain Images (Hardcover), Karl J. Friston (Editor), John T. Ashburner (Editor), Stefan J. Kiebel (Editor), Thomas E. Nichols (Editor), William D. Penny (Editor)

3.       Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Second Edition, January 2009, Scott A. Huettel, Allen W. Song, and Gregory McCarthy

4.       Handbook of Functional Neuroimaging of Cognition, 2nd Edition (Cognitive Neuroscience), Roberto Cabeza (Editor), Alan Kingstone (Editor)